What is Seeds of Hope?
Seeds of Hope Ministries, operating as the umbrella for the three arms of our organization (My Father's Hands, She Has A Name, South Jersey Aftercare), functions as a ministry of hope to the many homeless and destitute men, women and children on the streets of Camden, NJ, as well as ex-offenders. Through the efforts of hundreds of volunteers and financial donations to the ministry we are able to help drug addicts and women driven to prostitution with basic needs, obtain detox and treatment, and move towards reconciliation with their families; provide friendship and tangible help such as food, toiletries and clothing to the homeless; offer temporary housing, mentoring, practical assistance and rehabilitation to men and women who are being released from prison. We consider it a privilege to care for individuals that the world would often prefer to ignore. All of these initiatives are done to not only follow the direction of scripture to feed the poor and take care of the widows and orphans, but to primarily share the love of Christ and the good news of the Gospel.